How to install Postfix in Ubuntu

What is Postfix

Postfix, in the realm of computer science, specifically refers to a postfix notation or Reverse Polish Notation (RPN). In postfix notation, operators are placed after their operands, eliminating the need for parentheses or explicit precedence rules. For example, the infix expression “3 + 4” becomes “3 4 +” in postfix. This notation simplifies parsing and evaluation in mathematical expressions, making it particularly useful in calculators and stack-based programming languages.

In the context of email systems, Postfix also denotes a popular and highly configurable mail transfer agent (MTA). Developed by Wietse Venema, Postfix is known for its security features, ease of administration, and efficient mail routing. It has become a prevalent choice for powering email servers, providing a reliable and scalable solution for handling email delivery in various environments. The postfix MTA focuses on simplicity, modular design, and a strong emphasis on security, making it a robust option for organizations managing email infrastructure.

Install Postfix

					sudo apt install postfix -y

#Changing the Postfix Configuration:
sudo postconf -e 'home_mailbox= Maildir/'
sudo postconf -e 'virtual_alias_maps= hash:/etc/postfix/virtual'
sudo nano /etc/postfix/virtual

#paste quick quick

sudo postmap /etc/postfix/virtual
sudo systemctl restart postfix
sudo ufw allow Postfix

Installing the Mail Client

					echo 'export MAIL=~/Maildir' | sudo tee -a /etc/bash.bashrc | sudo tee -a /etc/profile.d/
source /etc/profile.d/
sudo apt install s-nail
sudo nano /etc/s-nail.rc

set emptystart
set folder=Maildir
set record=+sent

echo 'init' | s-nail -s 'init' -Snorecord quick
ls -R ~/Maildir

Testing the Client

nano ~/test_message
#type test message

This is a test.  Please confirm receipt!

cat ~/test_message | s-nail -s 'Test email subject line' -r

file +sent

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